Congratulations, new Eugene homeowner! You've secured your piece of the "Emerald City," unlocking a vibrant community, stunning natural beauty, and the joys of homeownership. But with ownership comes responsibility, and ensuring your Eugene abode thrives requires proactive maintenance. Fear not, for this guide equips you with 10 essential tips, transforming you from a nervous newbie into a confident homeowner!

1. Embrace the Rain, Master the Gutters

Eugene's wet winters demand gutter vigilance. Regularly clean leaves and debris to prevent blockages and water damage. Consider installing gutter guards for added peace of mind.

2. Befriend Your Roof

Schedule annual roof inspections and address any minor repairs promptly. Early intervention prevents costly leaks and ensures your roof protects your haven effectively.

3. Conquer the Chimney

If your Eugene home boasts a fireplace, schedule annual chimney cleanings to remove creosote buildup and prevent fire hazards. Remember, a clean chimney is a safe chimney!

4. Weatherstrip Your Way to Savings

Drafty windows and doors are energy guzzlers. Invest in weatherstripping to seal air leaks, improving energy efficiency and reducing your utility bills.

5. Tame the Thermostat

Eugene experiences mild winters and cool summers. Leverage programmable thermostats to adjust heating and cooling based on your schedule and the season, saving energy and money.

6. Clean Your Dryer Vent for Safety

Regularly cleaning your dryer vent removes lint buildup, a major fire hazard. Consider professional cleaning annually for optimal safety and dryer efficiency.

7. Embrace Regular Plumbing Checkups

Schedule annual plumbing inspections to identify and address minor issues before they turn into major headaches. Remember, prevention is key!

8. Tend to Your Yard

Eugene's lush landscape thrives with dedicated care. Mow regularly, trim hedges, and address weeding promptly to maintain curb appeal and prevent pest infestations.

9. Embrace Local Expertise

Eugene boasts a wealth of home maintenance professionals. Don't hesitate to consult them for specific issues or complex repairs. Their expertise can save you time, money, and stress.

10. Build a Maintenance Routine

Consistency is key. Create a seasonal maintenance schedule, ensuring essential tasks like gutter cleaning, filter replacements, and system inspections are addressed on time.

Bonus Tip: Leverage Eugene's Resources

From community workshops to online resources, Eugene offers abundant homeowner support. Explore programs, attend seminars, and connect with local experts to expand your knowledge and confidence.

Remember, homeowner maintenance in Eugene isn't just about chores; it's about nurturing your investment and creating a haven you cherish. By embracing these tips and seeking local expertise, you'll ensure your Eugene abode thrives, reflecting your pride and providing lasting comfort.

Moving to Eugene and considering real estate options? Partner with a local expert who understands the intricacies of Eugene's unique environment and can guide you towards a home that aligns perfectly with your needs and lifestyle. With their knowledge and support, your journey to confident homeowner status becomes a smooth and enjoyable experience.

We're Here to Help.

Whether you're looking to sell or buy a home, our team is ready to help make the process seamless. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us, and we'll gladly assist in any way that we can.
How much does it cost to buy a home in Oregon?

The median house value in Oregon at the end of 2021 was around $480,000. Average home prices have seen healthy gains over the past 12 months due to a general residential property value increase in the area, and they are expected to continue climbing in 2023 – which is great news for sellers!

Is Oregon good for real estate?

Oregon is a prime location for real estate investors looking for residential single-family properties.

Over the past 12 months, the state has seen an average 0.89% population increase, which is higher than the national average. Job growth is steadily rising and other advantages Oregon offers such as excellent healthcare facilities, educational faculties, and innumerable opportunities to escape for a weekend getaway is a huge drawcard for people across the country to move there.

Is Oregon a good place to live?

Oregon is renowned for its vibrant cities like Eugene and Portland, nestled between mighty volcanic mountains, exquisite coastlines, glaciers, deserts, and glassy lakes.

The state offers excellent educational and professional opportunities for students and young professionals and high-quality healthcare standards for all residents.A melting pot of premium craft beers, opulent wines, and a palatable Oregon food scene provide residents and visitors alike with endless opportunities to explore the local delights and support local producers.

Diverse leisure getaway destinations and four blooming seasons year-round offer unparalleled opportunities for those seeking a fresh lifestyle full of discovery.

Is Oregon a safe state?

Oregon is a lovely place to live and has the 12th lowest violent crime rate in the country. According to the US News Public Safety Rankings, Oregon is ranked 35th in the United state for general crime, which puts it at about average.

Can Eileen help with both selling and buying homes?

Yes! Eileen and the team have the experience and knowledge to help both buyers and sellers navigate the property market in Oregon. With our vast network, we can assist with all kinds of property, even if your search goes nationwide.

Is Oregon a good place to invest in rental property?

The rental demand in the housing market is experiencing steady growth. Oregon is a stable place for a second home or rental investment. For those seeking to move to the state, increased competition in the rental markets indicates that it makes sense to consider purchasing a property sooner.